One of the most famous Nickelodeon sitcoms of the 21st century wasDrake & Josh. This hilarious comedy, which aired from 2004 to 2007, followed two mismatched stepbrothers portrayed by Drake Bell and Josh Peck. Throughout the series, they go through hilarious adventures as they get tormented by their evil little sister, Megan.

Drake & Josh ran for four seasons and had its fair share of iconic episodes. These are the ten highest-rated episodes of the show during its runtime, according to its scores on IMDb.

10 The Demonator - 8.7

In this season 3 episode ofDrake & Josh, the brothers discover that a new roller coaster named the Demonator is opening at Mystic Mountain. They want to ride the roller coaster the first night it opens, but their parents make them stay home to watch their great grandfather: A war veteran named Papa Nichols.

After they leave Craig and Eric to watch him, Drake, Josh, and Megan wait on line at Mystic Mountain to ride the greatest roller coaster in the world. This, coupled with Papa Nichols waking up and believing Craig and Eric to be German captors, allows for a very entertaining episode.

9 The Storm - 8.7

While Josh only appears in one scene of the episode, it remains an effortlessly enjoyable episode. Drake's band is set to have a big performance, but it gets rained out, leaving a large group of people in the house.

This creates a lot of funny scenes with Drake trying to find out what his girlfriend and ex-girlfriends are discussing behind his back. At the same time, Crazy Steve angrily watches episodes of Dora the Explorer in hilarious fashion. This culminates in Helen leading everyone to a performance of Queen's "We Will Rock You."

8 Megan's First Kiss - 8.7

This episode is one of the first to explore the brothers' relationship with Megan beyond her evil pranks. After Drake and Josh notice her suspicious behavior, they discover she is meeting someone at the Premiere. This leads to a gut-busting scene where they dress up as Irish Jews to spy on her.

Upon realizing that Megan has a boyfriend named Corey, Drake and Josh sabotage his attempts to kiss her. They get them back together, but upon discovering Corey is cheating on her, Drake and Josh get Megan to break up with him before promptly getting beaten up by Corey. Megan kisses them both and says she loves them in an emotional ending to a hilarious episode that had fans going, "Pip pip da doodly doo!"

7 Tree House - 8.7

An episode that has become iconic for its hysterical "where's the door hole?!" meme, "Tree House" is consistently funny as Drake and Josh wait, bored and starving, in a tree house they accidentally trapped themselves in.

Megan torments them by grilling cheeseburgers next to the tree house, as Craig and Eric go on a date with twins meant to go out with Drake and Josh. Their predicament leads to Josh getting attacked by a squirrel and eventually the two of them knock the entire tree house to the ground in an episode that delivers on its hilarity.

6 Steered Straight - 8.9

In this episode, Drake and Josh get in trouble with the law after using fake IDS to try to gain entry into a club. Their parents decide to put them in the Steered Straight program so they know what it is like to go to jail.

However, this takes a turn for the worse when their cop car gets hijacked by a real criminal. Drake and Josh assume the names on their fake IDS (Jefferson Steelflex and Alvin Yakitori) and inadvertently lead a group of criminals to their house in a plot to kidnap the governor. The brothers are able to drive them out of the house by putting on a hilarious act where Drake beats Josh with a banana and rips out his hand in one of the funniest episodes of the show.

5 Dance Contest - 8.9

The final half-hour episode ofDrake & Josh is "Dance Contest." In this episode, Josh signs up for a dance contest to have enough school credit to become #1 in his class over Mindy Crenshaw. Meanwhile, Drake has skipped gym class for months and steals Josh's dance partner so he can compete in the contest and have enough credits to graduate.

After an altercation between Drake and Josh's dance partners, the two decide to dance together in an iconic dance performance where the two win the contest and share the school credit.

4 Who's Got Game - 9.0

Similar to season 2's "The Bet," "Who's Got Game" has Drake and Josh betting against each other to see who can get more dates in a week after the two fight over a girl. Drake soon finds a girl named Carly, who he wants to focus all his attention on, but when she finds out about their bet, she breaks up with him.

Meanwhile, Josh gets dating advice from his mom and ends up with a montage of dates. Drake wins back Carly by being honest with many of the people he lied to, and Josh wins the bet.

3 Blues Brothers - 9.0

In this very popular episode of the show, Walter brings Josh to do the weather broadcast on TV. However, after Megan scares Josh about his fear of messing up, Josh breaks into a twitching outbreak on TV. This uncomfortably hysterical scene gets even better when Josh takes off his jacket and reveals the soaked underarms of his shirt.

Meanwhile, Drake and his band are practicing for a talent show. When a rival music group steals Drake's song, Drake invites Josh onstage to help him win his confidence back with an epic performance of "Soul Man" from the Blues Brothers.

2 Really Big Shrimp - 9.1

The intended series finale ofDrake & Josh was "Really Big Shrimp," an hour-long episode where Drake meets with Alan Krim, a music producer who ruins Drake's hit song, "Makes Me Happy." Upon realizing that Josh had unwittingly given up creative control of the song as he was distracted by really big shrimp while signing the contract, Drake fires Josh as his manager.

Josh amends his error by sending Drake's original song to be played during a Super Bowl commercial, which leads to Krim getting fired and Drake getting his #1 hit. Meanwhile, Crazy Steve goes crazy when Josh eats his enchilada, Josh and Mindy get back together, and Helen gets married. The episode ends with Drake and Josh fighting over a shrimp before it flashes back to the actors doing the same in an episode ofThe Amanda Show.

1 Josh Is Done - 9.4

Perhaps no episode ofDrake & Josh has contained as much dramatic weight as "Josh Is Done." After Drake runs over Josh's bike and leaves him at home on the morning of an important test, Josh is devastated and decides to shut Drake out of his life, no longer hanging out with him.

Drake's life spirals out of control as a result, as bad things begin to happen to him while Josh's life significantly improves. In the end, Drake sincerely apologizes to Josh for everything he has done, realizing how much he needs his brother in his life. The episode ends with Josh arriving in their bedroom to play ping pong with Drake in a hilarious scene. While the episode has many funny moments, it explores their relationship in a beautiful way.

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